Hello all. I am Tina and this is my first time with the whole blogging experience. I have much to say, but don't know if it is fit for human consumption. So I'll start with a history of me and go from there:
I have a good life. That's me in a nutshell.
I was raised in a small town, by both parents. We didn't have much money, but our house was full of love, laughter, life. I had a big, extended family full of grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and greats, growing up. Many have passed on, but other loved ones have filled in those empty slots. The people have changed and the bonds have evolved, but family is still very vital to me on an intrinsic level.
I have had the blessing to marry the love of my life. It feels like the comfort of coming home blended with the excitement of our first kiss every single time I see him. We look so normal from the outside, that I wonder if others would ever guess that my heart still lurches when he walks into the room, 15 years later. We are a typical family in many ways. We have 2 kids, we have a dog and we have a cat. We live in the same small town where we both grew up, one block away from our church and within walking distance of the kids' school. Norman Rockwell couldn't have painted it better, I kid you not. It's exactly what I wanted growing up.
My son is exactly what people have in mind when they think of all-boy. Hiking, sports, biking, anything outside-plus a hefty dose of video/computer games obsession. He's into everything, and loves every minute of it. He's never still, never silent, always busy. And he's right in the midst of the snaggletooth phase, so he whistlesss when he talksss. Absolutely adorable, in my opinion. Big green eyes, eyelashes a model would kill for, a smattering of freckles, and a huge, toothless grin at all times.
My daughter is a beauty. Big blue eyes, blond curls like Shirley Temple, a sweet innocent smile and a laugh like the pealing of little bells. She is a girly-girl, loves to shop, loves shoes, loves glitter and jewelry and "sparklies". Hate, hates spiders. Loves to "help" me cook. Loves to color, paint and draw. And loves to watch Disney movies and read happily ever after books. She's right in the middle of the why? what? tell me more phase.... I love it. It wears me out sometimes, but I love it all the more because it is so fleeting, a moment in time and then it's gone.
There are other stories to tell and those are why I feel compelled to start a journal of our life. But this is the beginning and we will start here for now.....
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