Saturday, August 15, 2009

It went really well.....

Thursday and Friday were the first 2 days of school for the girl. She was in Pre-K, a regular ed classroom with 20 kids. So it was chaotic, of course, the first 2 days always are with kids crying for mom, teachers trying to reassure parents, get enrollment forms filled out, supplies put away, restore order continually, get the routines and rules established and oh yeah...teach. Plus make sure every child feels loved, accepted, safe and having a good time. Easy as pie.....
Chaos is not L's best friend. She does not love the crazy schedule, as most parents with a child with PDD-NOS know. But she held in there really well-there were a few times that she had to go off by herself to stay calm, but for the most part, she was with the group participating every step of the way. I was impressed, especially since I witnessed it firsthand and know it to be the truth and not an empty reassurance by a sympathetic teacher-friend.
She doesn't really care to play with other kids on the recess or center time. She doesn't mind if they play beside her, but she won't initiate interaction with them-or answer them if they talk. She will run beside them and play chasing games, just no conversation. So I'm curious to see if that will improve as she gets more comfortable in this new situation.
Pre-K did get the highest level of commendation last night though. She told me at bedtime that she loved that classroom the best because the door is yellow, like Spongebob. Then she muttered, "I wish I could draw Spongebob's nose-his nose goes up and it's hard to do. Patrick doesn't have a nose. Squidward has a nose, his nose goes down like this. I can make a good Squidward nose." And then she was off into her own little imaginative world and ready to be left alone, so I left her to it. She'd earned some downtime with Bikini Bottom's finest in her dreamland....
Here's hoping it keeps getting better! *fingers still crossed*

Monday, August 3, 2009

Count your blessings....

As I sit here at 7:15 AM, drinking my coffee and trying to regain consciousness, I am listening to my kids. The TV is on Dora the Explorer and they are playing on the living room carpet. They've been playing nicely together with no fighting for about 25 minutes (yes they have been up since 6:45 AM), some big imagination game with shooting and soldiers (my 8 year old son) that hug and tell each other, "Be careful honey. I love you." as they are leaving for war (my 5 year old girl). If that doesn't make your heart happy, I don't know what will.
I am so blessed. Nothing can possibly be more of a salve to my heart than loving those two.
Thank you, Lord for your bounty. Even at this early hour!!